Tattymoyle Wind Farm
Virtual consultation
Our public consultation has now closed. Thank you to all who engaged with us online or came to our in-person events. You can see the information from our consultation information panels in our booklet here.

We are proposing to develop a wind farm near Fintona, Co. Tyrone comprising up to 10 turbines generating up to 60MW.
The turbines will have a maximum tip height of 180m. The project is located in an area identified in Fermanagh and Omagh District Council’s Wind Energy Strategy as having the ‘highest underlying capacity’ for development of renewable infrastructure.
In addition to the turbines themselves, the development of a wind farm comprises a number of principle components. These include hardstand areas and access roads, underground cables to transport the green electricity to the substation, borrow pits for the sourcing of rock on site and spoil management areas. In addition, turbine delivery route upgrades, an on-site substation and an underground electrical connection to the national electricity grid will be required.
We expect that the proposed development footprint would take up approximately 2% of the total site area for turbine bases, crane hardstands and access tracks, meaning much of the land area will not be required for the development.
This provides an opportunity for the remainder of the site to be used for other purposes, such as ongoing farming & biodiversity practices.
We may also consider co-locating a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) at the site that could store excess green electricity and release it onto the grid when the wind isn't blowing.
The project will deliver a range of benefits, including;
- Providing enough clean energy to power around 65,000 average homes^
- Displacing almost 50,000 metric tonnes of carbon annually*
- Creating circa 50 jobs at peak construction
- Annual Community Benefit Fund of around £300,000
The project team plans to submit a planning application in Q2 2025.
Staying in touch
If you have any queries or wish to speak with the project team, please contact:
Email: [email protected]
If you would like to register for project updates by email, please click here and complete the short form.
Our qualifying calculations:
^64,058 total annual homes powered quoted based on installed capacity, typical onshore wind load factor of 39%, typical annual consumption (3,200kWh). *Quoted 47,966 CO2 emissions abated based on typical annual MWh output and average CO2 Emissions in 2018 (0.234t/MWh) in the All-Island Single Electricity Market, and published by the UR in its Fuel Mix Disclosure and CO2 Emissions for 2022.