Through our Glendoe hydro station we make around £130,000 per year available for community and charitable projects. Between 2006 and 2031 we expect to invest £3.5million in local projects.


Projects in the following community council areas can apply:

  • Fort Augustus and Glenmoriston
  • Stratherrick and Foyers

You don’t need to be a registered charity to apply, but your organisation must have a constitution (governing document or set of rules) and not be set up for individual profit. If you are unsure if your group is eligible, please contact us for advice.


The Glendoe community fund is administered by local community organisations in the two areas. For more information about the funds, and how to apply, please contact the relevant group by clicking on the links below:


For more information on this fund please contact:

Carol Masheter

Community Investment Manager

Tel: 01738 351576

Mobile: 07721 443044

Email: [email protected]