Through our Keadby wind farm we make around £200,000 per year available for community and charitable projects. Between 2013 and 2038 we expect to invest £4.3 million in local projects. Additionally, the same annual amount - equating to £2,500 per installed MW - is committed to the regional Sustainable Development Fund covering North Lincolnshire.

Projects in the following areas can apply:
- North Axholme ward
You don’t need to be a registered charity to apply, but your organisation must have a constitution (governing document or set of rules) and not be set up for individual profit. If you are unsure if your group is eligible, please contact us - details below - for advice.
The Keadby community fund and Sustainable Development Fund are managed in partnership with North Lincolnshire Council.
To discuss your project ideas, find out more or to request an application form, please contact:
The Fund Administration Team – SSE Keadby Wind Farm Community Fund
E: [email protected]
T: 01724 297000