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SSE Renewables to present wind farm proposals at exhibitions in Lochearnhead and St Fillans

11 Apr 2023

SSE Renewables will host public exhibitions in Lochearnhead and St Fillans later this month to provide information on a proposed wind farm near the two villages.

The Perth-based green energy provider is exploring the potential to develop an onshore wind farm on land in the Drummond Estate to the north of Loch Earn.

The exhibitions will take place in Lochearnhead Village Hall, from 3-7pm on Wednesday 19 April and Sandison Hall, St Fillans, from 3-7pm on Thursday 20 April.

They will present an opportunity to talk with members of the SSE Renewables project team, view more information about the assessment process and raise any questions about the proposals.

"Our assessment work on the Drummond Estate site is still in its early stages as we continue to establish the potential of this site.

These exhibitions are the first of a number of opportunities for people who live and work in the area to find out more about what we are doing, what will happen in the coming months and how they can participate in the consultation process.

We look forward to speaking with visitors to our exhibitions and discussing our proposals in more detail."

Emma Hadden Project Development Manager for SSE Renewables

Information about the proposal will also be published on the SSE Renewables website: