Search SSE Renewables
Sale agreement requirement of the offshore transmission regime and follows the completion of a competitive Offshore Transmission Tender process
Seagreen units included in provisional agreements for 63MW capacity.
Joint venture partners SSE and APG have signed a realisation agreement with Dutch high-voltage transmission system operator TenneT to enable the delivery of the grid connection infrastructure for the proposed 2GW Alpha offshore wind tender site in the IJmuiden Ver Wind Farm Zone in the North Sea.
XOCEAN has successfully completed a detailed geophysical survey along the 420km export cable route for the proposed Ossian floating offshore wind farm in the North Sea.
MD Stephen Wheeler reflects on his attendance at the Wind Energy Ireland Annual Conference
Agreement charters second turbine installation vessel for ongoing delivery of Dogger Bank
SSE’s Berwick Bank Wind Farm took a step forward after Northumberland County Council granted outline planning permission for the project’s onshore transmission infrastructure and grid connection.
First of its kind student job and education fair in wind energy, attracts 480+ post-primary students from Arklow and across Co. Wexford
Project update as of 27 September 2024
Two information days are being held for the public to meet senior members of the Ossian team and learn more about the project.