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SSE’s largest battery project has reached a significant construction milestone, with the arrival of battery units to its Monk Fryston site in North Yorkshire, England.
Sale agreement requirement of the offshore transmission regime and follows the completion of a competitive Offshore Transmission Tender process
Seagreen units included in provisional agreements for 63MW capacity.
Another positive step for SSE Renewables-FuturEnergy Ireland co-development portfolio.
Agreement charters second turbine installation vessel for ongoing delivery of Dogger Bank
Public invited to find out more about SSE Renewables and Bord na Móna proposals.
Proposed onshore wind farm could power over 60,000 NI homes annually
New cap and floor scheme can unlock investment in critical nation building projects including what will be the UK’s largest natural battery, SSE’s 1.3GW Coire Glas pumped storage hydro scheme
Project update as of 27 September 2024
Donegal project is a 50/50 co-development from SSE Renewables and FuturEnergy Ireland.