Offshore Infrastructure
Phase 2 of Arklow Bank Wind Park will be located on and around the Arklow Bank, approximately 6 to 15 km from the shore. The development area for the wind farm covers an area of seabed approximately 27 km long and 2.5 km wide as shown in the figure below.

Between 47 and 56 turbines, reduced from up to 200 in the earliest iteration of the project, will be deployed on the site, each comprising a foundation, tower, nacelle, and rotor assembly.
A number of different turbine models and layouts are being explored to deliver a power generation output from the site of up to 800MW.
One to two Offshore Substation Platforms (OSP) and foundation substructures, a network of inter-array cabling and two offshore export cables will also form part of the offshore infrastructure.
A Maritime Area Consent (MAC) was granted for the project in December 2022.
Arklow Bank Wind Park 2 is one of seven projects deemed ‘relevant projects’ by the Department of Energy, Climate and Communications (DECC). These projects will be delivered within Ireland’s first phase of offshore wind projects, and had their MAC applications fast-tracked by Government to facilitate Ireland progressing as quickly as possible towards reaching our climate action targets outlined in the Climate Action Plan.
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Onshore infrastructure
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We are committed to working with local communities and stakeholders to gather feedback and local information that will inform the project on an ongoing basis.
Local knowledge is key to us so that we understand the issues that are important to the community and can refine our plans accordingly.
You can find out more about our commitments and the project more generally by clicking below.
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