Berwick Bank

Project overview
Located in the North Sea, in the outer Firth of Forth, the Berwick Bank offshore wind farm project has the potential to deliver up to 4.1 GW of installed capacity, making it one of the largest offshore opportunities in the world.
The project will be capable of generating enough clean, renewable energy to power over six million homes*, the equivalent to all of Scotland’s households twice over.
It is now at an advanced stage of development. In late 2022, a planning application was submitted to the Scottish Government seeking consent to develop and enter construction. If approved for delivery, Berwick Bank could increase Scotland’s overall renewable energy capacity by nearly 30%.
The project is 100% owned by SSE Renewables.
Berwick Bank at a glance
Berwick Bank previously comprised of two separate proposals, Berwick Bank Wind Farm and Marr Bank Wind Farm. Following initial rounds of consultation, it was decided to combine our proposals into one single opportunity – Berwick Bank Wind Farm.
The project is now at the planning and design stage and is essential to meeting both the UK Government and Scottish Government targets of new offshore wind by 2030 and our wider Net Zero ambitions.
The Project has secured two connection points to the UK electricity grid. One in East Lothian and another in the Blyth area of Northumberland.
Berwick Bank represents not just a huge leap forward in terms of decarbonising the electricity system but could also deliver a multi-billion-pound power punch to the Scottish economy through jobs and the supply chain.
A study by independent renewable energy consultants, BVG Associates (BVGA), found that at peak construction in 2026 the project could create around 4,650 jobs in Scotland, and 9,300 roles across the UK, adding an estimated £8.3 billion to the UK economy over the lifetime of the project, of which up to £4 billion could be spent in Scotland.
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Visit*6 million homes powered per annum based on Typical Domestic Consumption Values (Medium Electricity Profile Class 1, 2,900kWh per household; OFGEM, January 2020), minimum projected 50% wind load factor, and projected installed capacity of up to 4.1GW. All homes in Scotland based on Household Estimates Scotland 2019 (National Records of Scotland, June 2020).