Fairburn Wind Farm
Site became operational
Number of wind turbines
Total installed capacity

Fairburn is located to the south of Loch Achonachie in Glen Orrin, Ross and Cromarty, Scotland.
Construction activity began in February 2009 with the wind farm becoming operational in February 2010.
SSE Renewables invested over £50m in the development of the project.
Fairburn is 100% owned and operated by SSE Renewables.
Fairburn Extension proposals
We are proposing an extension to the Fairburn wind farm which you can find out more about here.
Fairburn Community Benefit Fund
Through our Fairburn wind farm we make around £110,000 per year available for community and charitable projects. Between 2010 and 2035 we expect to invest £2.7 million in local projects.
Find out more