Gordonbush Extension Wind Farm

The Gordonbush Extension wind farm is an 11 turbine extension to the adjacent 35 turbine Gordonbush wind farm and is located around 10km west of Brora in Sutherland, Scotland.
Planning consent was granted in November 2019 and construction began soon after with completion achieved in summer 2021. The wind farm was delivered during the Covid pandemic, helping contribute to Scotland's green recovery.
The Gordonbush Extension is 100% owned and operated by SSE Renewables.
Gordonbush Community Fund
Through our Gordonbush wind farm we make around £200,000 per year available for community and charitable projects. Between 2011 and 2036 we expect to invest £5.2 million in local projects.
Additional funding is committed to the regional Sustainable Development Fund. This fund opens every two years and supports transformational projects across the Highland local authority area.
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