Keadby Wind Farm

Keady is England's largest onshore wind farm and is capable of powering approximately 57,000 homes.
Located west of Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, it took almost two years to construct and commission which included the installation of the North Pilfrey Bridge which then allowed construction traffic to bypass the neighbouring villages.
Planning permission was received in 2008, with construction beginning in 2012. The first turbine was installed in February 2013 with the final turbine installed in December 2013. Completion was in summer 2014.
Keadby is 100% owned and operated by SSE Renewables.
Keady Community Investment Funds
Through our Keadby wind farm we make around £200,000 per year available for community and charitable projects. Between 2013 and 2038 we expect to invest £4.3 million in local projects. Additionally, the same annual amount - equating to £2,500 per installed MW - is committed to the regional Sustainable Development Fund covering North Lincolnshire.
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