Spurness Wind Farm

The Spurness wind farm is located on the Orkney island of Sanday and its island location means that it has an exceptionally good wind resource for power generation. The small flat island has few obstructions to reduce the wind resource.
Spurness was 're-powered' in 2012 where the original three turbines were decommissioned and replaced with five newer wind turbines.
Both the original and new wind farms were built using a significant proportion of local labour and resources and our Orkney based colleagues continue to manage the wind farm on a day to day basis.
Spurness is 100% owned and operated by SSE Renewables.
Spurness Community Fund
Through our Spurness wind farm we make around £25,000 per year available for community and charitable projects. Between 2004 and 2029 we expect to invest £600,000 in local projects.
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