Stronelairg Wind Farm

Stronelairg sits at an elevation of around 600m above sea level in the Moadhliath Mountain range making it one of our windiest wind farms.
It sits within a natural bowl on a plateau, set well back from Loch Ness meaning that no turbines are visible from the main tourist routes in the area. Stronelairg is also located adjacent to our 100MW Glendoe hydro scheme and so the construction teams were able to use the hydro infrastructure as do our operational teams now.
Construction began in late 2016 and the wind farm became operational in December 2018, six months ahead of schedule.
In February 2019, we agreed the sale of 49.9% of Stronelairg (and the Dunmaglass wind farm) to Greencoat UK Wind Plc.
Stronelairg Community Fund
Through the Stronelairg Community Fund we make around £569,250 per year available to communities and charitable projects. Between 2017 and 2042 we expect to invest £28 million in local projects.
Additional funding is committed to the regional Sustainable Development Fund. This fund opens every two years and supports transformational projects across the Highland local authority area.
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