Number of turbines
Maximum installed capacity (MW)
Approximate number of homes powered

The £580m Viking wind farm is a 103-turbine, 443MW onshore wind farm that harnesses the excellent wind conditions in the Shetland Islands; producing enough energy to power the equivalent of almost half a million homes, including every home in Shetland*.

Completed in September 2024, Viking will play a crucial role in contributing towards the UK and Scotland’s net zero targets.

The original consent for the wind farm was approved by Scottish Ministers in 2012, following a decision by Shetland Islands Council not to object in 2010. A revised application was consented again by Scottish Ministers in May 2019, following approval by Shetland Islands Council in December 2018.

For further information about the Viking wind farm, please visit its dedicated website here.

Additional benefits

The people of Shetland will benefit from a preferred return on Shetland Charitable Trust’s initial financial stake in Viking each year for the lifetime of the wind farm. Shetland Islands Council will benefit directly as a landowner on the site and over 200 crofting families will benefit from 50% of the wider ground rental payments on crofted estates.

* 475,099 homes powered per annum based on annual GB average domestic household consumption base of 3.781MWh published by the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) as of November 2018, and projected total generation output by Viking Wind Farm of 1,796.35 GWh per annum. Equivalent every home in Shetland claim based on 10,235 recorded households in Shetland, published in Shetland in Statistics 2017 by Shetland Islands Council, 2018.

Visit Viking's dedicated website for more information
