Glentarken Wind Farm

We are currently progressing proposals for the development of a wind farm on the Drummond Estate, located between St Fillans and Lochearnhead in Perthshire.
The development was re-named Glentarken Wind Farm in May 2023, following feedback from local stakeholders, to more effectively convey the location of the proposed site.
We submitted a request for a scoping opinion to Scottish Ministers in December 2022. Feedback from this scoping stage was received in February 2023 and has been used to inform the site design and the content of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report.
A Section 36 Planning Application was submitted to Scottish Ministers, along with the completed EIAR late 2024. This application is being widely communicated and all the associated documents can be found in the link below.
A temporary Meteorological (met) mast was also constructed on site to provide critical wind data to inform turbine positions and anticipated turbine performance data. Onsite surveys and assessment work, has also been ongoing with results informing the design and Application.
The proposed turbine locations at the site are located within the Perth and Kinross local authority area. The proposed access route to the site will be from the A85, which is located within the Stirling local authority area.
Project status
Final design plans for Glentarken Wind Farm include up to 12 turbines with a maximum tip height of up to 180m, as well as ancillary infrastructure such as access tracks, turbine foundations and crane hardstandings at each turbine, construction compounds, onsite substation, operational building, batching plant and borrow pits. A battery energy storage solution (BESS) is also being proposed to optimise the renewable energy generation capacity at the site.
Next stage
Following the submission of the S36 Consent Application, any representations to the application may be submitted to the Scottish Ministers via the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit, by email to [email protected]; or by post to Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit, 4th Floor, 5 Atlantic Quay, 150 Broomielaw, Glasgow, G2 8LU, identifying the proposed Development and specifying the grounds for representation. Written or emailed representations should be dated, clearly stating the name (in block capitals) and full return email and postal address of those making representations. Only representations sent by email to [email protected] will receive acknowledgement.
All representations should be received not later than Friday 14th March 2025 although the Scottish Ministers may consider representations received after this date.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone again for engaging with us during the development phase of this project and for listening and sharing thoughts and opinions. This information and engagement is extremely important to us, and will continue to be so, as we work to try and progress this project.
Following examination of the environmental information, the Scottish Ministers will determine the application for consent in one of two ways:
• Consent the proposed Development with or without conditions attached; or
• Reject the proposed Development.
Contact us
If you would like to get in touch with us in relation to our Glentarken Wind Farm proposals, please contact:
Pauline Allison / [email protected]
SSE Generation Ltd
Notice is hereby given that SSE Generation Ltd (the Company) with company registration number 02310571 and its Registered Office at No.1 Forbury Place, 43 Forbury Road, Reading, United Kingdom, RG1 3JH has applied to the Scottish Ministers for consent under Section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989 to construct and operate a wind farm known as Glentarken Wind Farm (“the proposed Development”) on land located approximately 45km west of Perth within Drummond estate, and approximately 2.9km east of Lochearnhead in the local planning authority of Perth and Kinross Council (Central Grid Reference 265223 729628). The installed capacity of the proposed Development would be over 50MW. It will comprise of a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS and up to 12 turbines each with a maximum ground to blade tip height of 180 metres). It has been subject to Environmental Impact Assessment (“EIA”) and an EIA Report has been produced to accompany the application for consent.
The Company has also applied for a direction under Section 57(2) of the Town and Country Planning (Scotland) Act 1997 that planning permission for the proposed Development be deemed to be granted.
A copy of the application, with a plan showing the land to which it relates, together with a copy of the EIA Report discussing the Company’s proposals in more detail and presenting an analysis of the environmental implications, is available for public inspection, free of charge on the application website or on the Scottish Government Energy Consents website at under application reference ECU00004700.
The EIA Report is also available for public inspection in person, free of charge at:
Location | Opening hours | Address |
St Fillans Village Store | 9am – 4pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. 9am – 12pm midday on Wednesday | Main Street, St Fillans, PH6 2ND |
Copies of the EIA Report may be obtained from Karen Anderson (telephone: 07818 966555 or email: [email protected]) at a charge of £850 per hard copy and free of charge on a DVD or USB. Copies of a Non-Technical Summary are available free of charge.
Any representations to the application may be submitted to the Scottish Ministers via the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit, by email to [email protected]; or by post to Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit, 4th Floor, 5 Atlantic Quay, 150 Broomielaw, Glasgow, G2 8LU, identifying the proposed Development and specifying the grounds for representation.
Written or emailed representations should be dated, clearly stating the name (in block capitals) and full return email and postal address of those making representations. Only representations sent by email to [email protected] will receive acknowledgement.
All representations should be received not later than Friday 14th March 2025 although the Scottish Ministers may consider representations received after this date.
Any subsequent additional information which is submitted by the Company will be subject to further public notice in this manner, and representations on such information will be accepted as per this notice.
As a result of a statutory objection from the relevant planning authority, or where they decide to exercise their discretion to do so, the Scottish Ministers can also cause a public inquiry to be held.
Following examination of the environmental information, the Scottish Ministers will determine the application for consent in one of two ways:
- Consent the proposed Development with or without conditions attached; or
- Reject the proposed Development.
General Data Protection Regulations
The Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit processes consent applications and consultation representations under the Electricity Act 1989. During the process, to support transparency in decision making, the Scottish Government publishes online at A privacy notice is published on the help page at This explains how the Energy Consents Unit processes your personal information. If you have any concerns about how your personal data is handled, please email [email protected] or write to Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit, 4th Floor, 5 Atlantic Quay, 150 Broomielaw, Glasgow, G2 8LU.