High Dalrioch Wind Farm

We are assessing the potential for development of a wind farm at High Dalrioch, near Campbeltown in Argyll and Bute.
The site is located within the Argyll and Bute local authority area and the Campbeltown community council constituency.
At present it is proposed that the wind farm would comprise approximately 10 turbines with a maximum height of up to 180 metres to the blade tip. Each turbine would have an installed capacity of up to six megawatts (MW) which would give an anticipated installed capacity of up to 60 MW.
Project status
SSE Renewables received a scoping opinion from the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit on behalf of the Scottish Ministers which sets out the information required in an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report.
A copy of this scoping opinion was sent to Argyll and Bute Council for publication on their website. It has also been published here on the Scottish Government Energy Consents Unit website.
Next stage
An application to install a met mast on the High Dalrioch site has been approved by Argyll and Bute Council. This will allow for the detailed analysis of wind conditions and other meteorological measurements over the next few years. The intention is for the met mast to be installed during summer 2024.
Representatives from SSE Renewables, and contractors working on our behalf, will continue survey and assessment activity on site.
As we work to gather the necessary data, SSE Renewables will engage in a full programme of consultation with stakeholders, including neighbours and community organisations in the local area.
Contact us
If you would like to get in touch in relation to our proposals for the High Dalrioch Wind Farm, please contact:
Pauline Allison - [email protected]