Sheskin South Wind Farm

In March 2024, An Bord Pleanála granted planning permission for the development of Sheskin South Wind Farm in County Mayo, a proposed joint venture project between SSE Renewables and FuturEnergy Ireland.
The onshore wind development, which has received consent for 18 turbines with a maximum tip height of 200 metres, is located approximately 6.7 km northeast of Bangor Erris and 11km south of the Atlantic coastline.
During construction, Sheskin South Wind Farm will generate approximately 100 to 120 jobs along with significant supply chain opportunities for the area.
The project partners are also committed to delivering a Community Benefit Fund which will deliver hundreds of thousands of euros annually to the local community. The Fund will be established when the wind farm enters commercial operation and will support local community groups and projects.
The progression of the project is dependent on a final investment decision. A proposed grid connection planning application, in addition to a turbine delivery route application, is scheduled to be submitted in the near future.
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