Bessy Bell II Wind Farm

Bessy Bell II is an onshore wind farm northwest of Omagh, County Tyrone, operating at a capacity of 9MW.
The wind farm consists of 6 turbines with a rating of 1.5MW. Bessy Bell II began generating energy in October 2008.
The wind farm can power around 8,000 homes^ annually and mitigate around 6m kilos of harmful carbon dioxide* per annum.
The Bessy Bell Wind Farm Community Fund launched in 2009. So far over £235,000 has been presented to local groups around the wind farms.
Bessy Bell 2 Community Fund
Through our Bessy Bell 2 Wind Farm, near Newtownstewart Co. Tyrone, we make over £16,000 per year available for local projects promoting energy efficiency and social sustainability through our community fund programme.
In 2023, due to the increasing level of demand for this Community Fund, SSE Renewables has taken the decision to start awarding funding from the Bessy Bell 2 Community Fund every two years rather than every year to maximise funding opportunities. The new biannual fund for 2023 and 2024 was circ. £33,000.
Contact us
We are here to answer your queries.
Please get in contact with us using the details below and our team will respond to you within two working days.
Community Fund Development Officer: [email protected]
If your query relates to the operation of the wind farm, please contact:
Wind Farm Operating Team: [email protected] or T: 028 90 339 154
^Total annual homes powered quoted based on installed capacity, typical onshore wind load factor of 32%, typical annual consumption (3,200kWh). *Quoted CO2 emissions abated based on typical annual MWh output and average CO2 Emissions in 2018 (0.291t/MWh) in the All-Island Single Electricity Market, and published by the UR in its Fuel Mix Disclosure and CO2 Emissions for 2018, September 2019.