Eggborough Battery Storage Project
(In planning)
Eggborough is a proposed battery energy storage system (BESS) based on land north of the village of Eggborough and east of Kellington.
A planning submission to North Yorkshire Council has been submitted on behalf of SSE Renewables for a Battery Energy Storage System at Eggborough.
The full application can be viewed by clicking this link:
Project progress
Following two public consultation events held in November, we have now submitted a planning application for this project to North Yorkshire Council.
This can be found on their planning portal by clicking here.
As well as seeing information on our plans you can also use the link above to make any comments on the application to the Council.
What do we consider when choosing a solar or battery site?
- Where is there space, capacity and the need on the network for the connection? This is largely identified by National Grid.
- Is their sufficient land to build it, with the right characteristics and in the right place?
- Are landowners willing to lease us this land at a reasonable cost and for the time we need?
- Will the site be able to physically connect to the electricity grid? Ideally, we look for overhead lines to connect to, or substations nearby.
A short film : How does a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) work?
Contact us
If you have any questions relating to the Eggborough BESS Project, please contact our Stakeholder Engagement Manager, Alan Greenwood:
EmailĀ [email protected]