Staythorpe BESS

Staythorpe is a proposed battery energy storage system (BESS) , transformer/sub-station and associated infrastructure. Its planned location is on approximately 25 hectares of agricultural land west of the village of Averham, Nottinghamshire, and to the south of the A617.
We appreciate there are an increasing number of applications from energy developers in this area, but we believe that our application has particular merit. This is due to it not abutting any built-up area, a low risk of site flooding, the close proximity of the existing substation and the best choice in terms of the type of agricultural land that is available.
As our application is shortly due to be determined by the relevant planning committee, we are no longer consulting on it, but you can view the consultation materials below.

A landscape first approach to supporting biodiversity net gain
The scheme has adopted a ‘landscape first’ approach, with the formation of an approximately 25m wide landscape buffer along the sites northern and eastern boundary and up to 60m wide at the site's southern tip. Combined with further planting and landscaping within the site’s interior, which will integrate acoustic attenuation with landscaping. The scheme also retains 84,313sqm of agricultural land within it’s boundary.
A cohesive scheme has been brought forward that will accommodate 28% of Bio-Diversity Net Gain (well in excess of the minimum 10% required by law). To find out more about what this means visit the UK Governments website here.
You can view our illustrative Landscape Master Plan for the project here.
Planning application
We have applied for planning permission from Newark and Sherwood District Council.
Our planning application is being considered by Planning Officers and Councillors under Application Reference 23/00317/FULM.
We expect to have a decision on this shortly.
All details that were submitted with this application can be viewed at this link.
Consultation materials archive
Consultation is now complete but you are able to view the exhibition boards and maps the we have presented at consultation events below:
Previous consultation materials
A short film : How does a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) work?
Contact us
If you have any questions relating to the Staythorpe BESS Project, please contact our Stakeholder Engagement Manager, Charlotte Hewes: