A Fair and Just Transition
A planned and orderly transition to net zero presents many opportunities for workers, communities, and consumers, including:
- creating good green jobs;
- investment in rural communities;
- the development of new supply chains and local businesses;
- greater energy security;
- and less volatile bills.
At the same time, a disorderly transition to net zero could impact public support for decarbonisation, risk causing lasting social and economic harms.
A ‘just transition’ is the fairest way of ensuring that the benefits of climate action are shared widely, whilst preventing an unfair burden of the costs on those least able to afford it.
In November 2020, SSE plc became the first company in the world to publish a Just Transition Strategy.
The Strategy outlines 20 principles to promote a fair and just transition for workers, consumers and communities when transitioning ‘in’ to a net zero world, while at the same time transitioning ‘out’ of high-carbon activities.
In 2024, SSE plc revisited those principles to ensure they remained appropriate and relevant.
The review found that the 20 principles remain relevant, with only minor amendments needed to the wording and further clarity added in the definitions which sit below them.
The renewed strategy has also identified a basket of 10 key performance indicators identified to monitor progress.
These indicators are also mirrored in our SSE Renewables goals.
Achieving a Just Transition at SSE Renewables
Championing a fair and just transition is a key pillar of our wider business strategy.
As we transition into a net zero world, we have a responsibility to ensure that the green jobs we generate are good jobs, underpinned by decent and fair work, which is safe and inclusive.
We also need to make sure we continue to be a responsible developer of renewable technologies. This includes engaging and sharing value with our communities and suppliers, while ensuring the supply chains underpinning our assets do not exacerbate human rights or environmental risks.
During 2023/24, we:
- contributed £2bn to the UK and Irish economies;
- supported over 16,000 jobs (the majority being in the supply chain);
- and invested over £10m into our communities.
We also marked 10 years of Living Wage accreditation and took targeted action towards achieving our inclusion and diversity targets and the implementation of our Human Rights Action Plan.
You can learn more about the ways in which we are ensuring a Just Transition at SSE Renewables by clicking on the links below:
Transitioning from high-carbon roles
Achieving our net zero targets and the shift away from high-carbon industries will involve harnessing the transferability of existing skills sets and competences in the energy sector.
In SSE Renewables, 38% of our workforce has transitioned from high-carbon industries and perform crucial roles across the business.
The following four testimonials showcase the range of opportunities available in SSER and the transferability of skill-sets developed in high-carbon sectors: