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Good working relationships
We believe that the first step to a good working relationship is to have open and transparent communications with our suppliers.
So we've created the following short film in order to share what our priorities are and there is further information just below:

In order to remain at the forefront of renewable energy production it is essential that we deliver our projects and operate our assets in a cost-effective manner. To support us in this we need to work closely with our suppliers to manage costs and risks through the whole project lifecycle and look for opportunities to work in a mutually beneficial way.
Our Sustainable Procurement Code outlines the expectations and requirements on SSE’s suppliers and contractors, and their supply chains.
To ensure that SSE’s business is conducted ethically, sustainably and within the law, SSE expects its suppliers to meet the principles outlined in the Code and Guidance. This means as a minimum complying with local laws and regulations and respecting internationally recognised human and labour rights, however the values of fairness and respect are equally important to SSE.
You can see the full Sustainable Procurement Code here and guidance for suppliers here.
SSE is focused on enabling, harnessing and deploying new technologies and innovations which can accelerate the journey to net zero. Our suppliers have a central role in us realising this ambition. If you believe you can offer an innovative solution then we would love to hear from you.
We are committed to maximising the use of local suppliers across the development and operational phases of all our projects. We believe in early and open discussions with the supply chain to share details of our project plans, and to facilitate discussions with suppliers to understand the opportunities for using local suppliers and supporting investment in domestic infrastructure.